News (Deleted Name of Oil Company) Inc Release (Deleted Name of Oil Company) Building
HOUSTON, July 28, 1992 -- (Deleted Name of Oil Company) Inc. today announced earnings per common share for the second quarter were $1.23 compared with a net loss of 15 cents in the second quarter of 1991. This was made up of 71 cents from continuing operations and 52 cents from discontinued operations -- primarily the gain from the sale of the company's minerals operations. Revenues were unchanged at $3.4 billion. Operating income (pre-interest, pre-tax) totaled $296 million, compared with $108 million in the second quarter of 1991. "This major turnaround will only accelerate," said Mike (Deleted Last Name of Oil Dude), (Deleted Name of Oil Company) chairman and chief executive officer.
(Deleted Last Name of Oil Dude) said the reason for his optimism is the release of an invention this fall which can produce free and limitless energy from ordinary household magnets. The device was originally called the "Cosmic Lotus Flower" when it was first demonstrated in 1917 by Joe Cater in Seattle, Washington. It's a unique arrangement of coils and magnets that continuously produces electrical energy with no mechanical motion involved.
A global conspiracy involving the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, the Bilderberg family, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, Time-Warner and various petrol energy conglomerates kept the original patent on the device hidden. Somehow, (Deleted Name of Oil Company) came to own the patent and the plans for Cater's invention. They were recently discovered in a search of some old boxes found in a company vault. The device was nearly made public back in the fall of 1963. A press release was issued but within minutes 'evil forces' moved in to stop it. Suddenly, those who issued the press release acted like they never heard about the energy machine. Two reporters even sought help from the White House in getting to the bottom of the situation. President Kennedy promised he would investigate as soon as he returned from Dallas.
(Deleted Name of Oil Company) now plans to make the device available to the public in a variety of sizes to fulfil every energy need - from small units for campers to large industrial models capable of running factories. Prototypes of cars are currently being worked on. "This device will free the world from the domination exerted on humans everywhere by the malevolent power brokers bent on global slavery. The good news is that by purchasing the basic unit for only $150, a family of four can supply all of their electrical needs indefinitely. Yes, they can literally call the power company and have themselves disconnected! To further help sales, (Deleted Name of Oil Company) plans to give away a free Snack-Master(TM) with every unit sold," (Deleted Last Name of Oil Dude) said.